Saturday, October 13, 2007

Oct 13 - Auto Update

Tuesday, was good. I went to my monthly North Eastern Ohio Web Standards Group in Cleveland. This month it was held at Tri-C, Cuyahoga Community College.
I met Nate Klaiber after work at Border's in Canton. That way, it'd only take me about a half hour to get home once he dropped me back off there. It's like an hour from the college.

He dropped me off around 12:30 or 12:45 if I remember correctly. I entered my car and started the 1/2 hour journey home. While I was traveling south on I-77, just going under the new Hall of Fame Bridge, my engine just quit. Stopped. Ceased to make motor noises.

I knew it was nothing electrical because I still had electrical power. The lights were on, my instrument panel(which warns me of upcoming engine troubles) seemed to be functioning correctly.(Except for missing the 'hey, your engine's about to die' light).

I coast over to the side of the road and try to start it. At first, it sounded like it wanted to start, and then the noise changed to one that told me I was probally going to be walking somewhere soon.

Just as I was about to call a tow truck, a Ohio State Highway Patrol officer pulled up. I told him what the problem was and that I needed to get it towed. (It was 1am). Between the two of us, we decided now wasn't the best time to find a garage that may or may not be able to fix my car. So he offered to take me to a nearby hotel if I didn't have a friend to call in the area. I don't know too many people in Canton, so that was a no-go.

After patting me down (He totally cupped my balls) he let me ride in the back seat to the hotel. They were full but nice enough to call the Red Roof to see if they had vacancy. They did. I walked across the street to hand over some of the pay check I had just got that day. The lady behind the counter asked, 'Smoking or non'. I said 'non, please', and she said she only had a double and it would be like $10 more. 'Uh, single then. It's ok if it's smoking'. The room smelled like ass. I hate smokers. I watched some tv and then went to bed. I knew the day ahead of me was going to be a bear.

I woke up, called work to let them know the situation and then jumped online(after paying $10 for a one day pass from t-mobile to use their hotspot). I called a few auto garages to see if they could fix my car that day. 3 said, 'no, we are not competent enough to fix your timing belt within the specified amount of time'.(Oh, yeah, the timing belt broke on my car. That's why it died.) One man suggested Park Honda in Akron. Against my better judgement, I called them to see if they would be able to fix the car possibly today. They said, 'Sure'. Sounded good to me. I didn't want to spend another night in the hotel. I had no clean clothes, deodorant, or hair gel.

I called the tow truck and had him meet me at ground zero. It was a 26 minute walk, half being up the off-ramp and down the interstate to reach my car. I beleive it was around 10 or 10:15 at this time.

While I was waiting for the tow truck operator, a car pulled off the side of the road, I assumed, to see if I was okay. As I approached the car, I noticed the driver looked strangly familiar. It was my co-worker Darla, who had the day off. Her and her mother were on their way to breakfast and shopping.

After the tow truck man showed up, I decided that spending a few hours with Darla and her mother would be more fun than riding up with the car in the creapy man's truck, so I told him where to take it and I would be up to deal with them in a few hours. Settled. I called Park Honda to let them know, but also to look at the vehicle and let me know if they can fix it and give me an estimate.

Darla and her mom took me to breakfast. Bob Evans. And actually, a man they knew from their church picked up our check. Nice guy. Then we went shopping. I bought some new clothes from Platos Closet. At the time, it was to cheer me up a bit from the previous nights events, and possible rest of the days events. Keep reading to find out what their real purpose in my life were.

Darla offered to take me into work, but I had asked that we stop by Park Honda on the way since I heard nothing of my car yet. It had been a few hours.We arrived at Park Honda. They had not looked at the car yet. The girl also informed me it would be $80 JUST to look at it. After spending $50 to get the car towed there, I didn't want to spend another $50 to have it taken somewhere else, so I said ok. (I havn't paid it yet though.) I then finished the trip to work.

I got a few hours in at work and around 4, called Park Honda to ask how it was looking. They gave me a $400 estimate for timeing belt and for a tensioner that may need to be replaced. I needed my car fixed, so I said ok. But they wouldn't be able to fix it till the following day, Thursday.

I asked a couple of my co-workers if I could stay with them for the night. It's a good thing I got those clothes from Plato's. Finally, our man in collections said he could take me in for the night. So, I went home with him. We got pizza, drank some beer, tried to play some computer games, played some pool, played with his dogs and I eventually went to bed. It was a good time.

Next day, work, called park honda. They said they did the repair BUT, the valves were bent and it would be another $800 to fix the engine, but it might not be worth it because it's leaking oil. Jeeeeez. So, they want me to come in and pay them money for a car they DIDN'T fix. haha. I've talked to a few people, and they said mechanics can tell if the valves are bent before changing a timing belt. Asses. So, I tried to get approved for some credit to get a new car, knowing probally wouldn't happen. I also called around to see if anyone knew of cars for sale.

So, I was stuck in Barberton for another night. I went home with Scott again. It was pretty much a repeat of the previous night. We went to a car lot in Parma to see about getting approved for a car. We missed the guy by about 10 minutes. sucks. Found some cars I was interested in.The next day, we called the car lot to ask what I needed to get a car. Basically, $500 down and I could get the only $4000 car on the lot. A 95 Volvo 850. It has leather seats and Windsheild wipers on the headlights. haha. And a sun roof, BUT, it's and automatic, and I only drive standard.

Not wanting to burden Scott for a third night, Last night, Friday, I went home with Joe. We hit David B's for a few hours, then met up with his cousin and their friend and we went to DT Akron. There was really nothing going on.

So today, I went to Cash Advance, got some money, and I'm supposed to head up to the Car lot to get the car. But now, scott is an hour late...So I just faxed my stuff over.... I hope this is all over today. I havn't been to my apartment since Tuesday morning, all my clothes need washed, and it'll be nice not to have to ask for rides and places to stay any more :) But, I had a good time hanging with Scott and Joe, and hope to do it more often.

Later Kids. You can comment on this one:)

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